Unicorn toys – They make the heart go PING! I always have and always will admire those with creative talents. As the saying goes, the world without art is just blehh. And these beautiful funky little creations by one of my fave insta stores – HANDMADE HEART SHOP definitely stops any child’s space from looking any kind of blehh. […]
Play, love, learn
Easter Craft For Kids
TOTALLY CUTE EASTER CARD FOR KIDS – FREE PRINTABLE I think Easter is my children’s favourite time of year, I mean chocolate eggs for breakfast, what child wouldn’t be in sugar rush heaven! But today I’m swapping out the sugar for cute little craft session where you can get your kids to make this adorable […]
Adorable Rainbow Paper Plate Craft
I have been really enjoying taking some out to do a little crafter noon with Indi. I have been letting her interests take the lead in what it is we focus on and since she loves all things rainbow (and pink, and watermelon, and yes, Peppa Pig is standing the test of time) I decided to […]
Boards with Soul – Dune, Sand and Skate
If there is one thing I love, it’s getting the kids outdoors. Because really.. what’s better for the soul than a bit of fresh air and sunshine? Especially in this day and age. And I’m up for anything that encourages a bit of outdoor play. So to say I was stoked when Toby got a […]
Craft for kids – Easter Basket
HOW TO MAKE THIS ADORABLE PAPER PLATE EASTER BASKET So I found a version of this on Pinterest a few weeks ago so decided to make my own paper plate Easter basket with Indi – with my own little spin by adding a few water colour spring flowers. This paper plate basket craft activity is […]
Mr Sloth’s New Adventure!
When I started using Instagram, one of the very first people I followed was the happy-go-lucky, always smiling Melbourne based toy designer Maria of Mr Sloth! In her tiny little squares of happiness that filter through my feed, I have always admired Maria’s sunny disposition and kind, cheerful nature, not to mention her incredibly creative […]
SAD MONSTER, GLAD MONSTER: Feelings Activities and Craft Ideas for Children
SAD MONSTER, GLAD MONSTER feelings activities for kids Back again, this time sharing a couple of cute activities for kids based on one of my favourite themes for children – feelings and emotions. Now if by chance you have encountered these images before, a while a go I started another blog that focused purely on […]
Process Art for Toddlers – Painting
COLOURFUL PROCESS ART FOR TODDLERS While I was getting everything sorted for our RAINBOW PAPER PLATES, my little girl Indi was kept busy (and very focused) creating her own little rainbow coloured process art. This simple simple yet visually beautiful art work can make a great display in a child’s bedroom. Which can help develop both a sense of […]
STEM activities for kids
Just sharing a super quick science activity that is perfect for toddlers, preschoolers or kindergarten children to get their little minds thinking about the basics of biology! So easy and such a great little conversation tool, this fun experiment takes only a minute to set up! And it is great for encouraging little ones to use […]
Super Simple Balloon Craft for Kids
ADORABLE PAINTING ACTIVITY FOR KIDS USING BALLOONS My little Indi has been loving getting all kinds of crafty lately. She has shown a keen interest in drawing (on anything and everything) and has been trying really hard to create little people. But being only three, she still finds it difficult to draw the circular shape […]