Uni The Unicorn Flower Crown

Unicorn craft and literacy activities for kids - free printables

Unicorns, ahhh, sigh the happy sigh!

If there is anything that can get little ones into books, it’s our four legged friends – the unicorns! And one of my all time favourite books unicorn books for children is the adorably sweet story ‘Uni the Unicorn’ by Amy Rouse Rosenthal.

And it is quick becoming one of Indi’s favourites too. This adorable book is filled with the most beautiful vintage style illustrations, bursting with colour and make believe.

And today on the blog I’m sharing a couple of cute little printables that can be used as a follow up art and craft activity for kids when reading this story. Depending on the age of your child, you may give them more or less help to complete the craft. As with everything in life, nothing is set in stone so put your own spin on things and modify as you like (for example, you may like to use different coloured paper or make your own flowers like these HERE).

Unicorn craft and literacy activities for kids - free printables

The free printables that you will find at the end of the blog can be used in so many different ways. You can print the crown, scallop the edges, zig zag them, sprinkle it with glitter – let your imagination run wild!

About the book:

Written by Amy Rouse Rosenthal and illustrated by Bridgette Barrager – Uni the Unicorn is an enchanting children’s picture book about a unicorn who believes that little girls are ‘real’. With simple descriptive text, the book is perfect for a shared reading experience with young children.

Unicorn craft activity - more ideas and free unicorn printables on the blog

Craft Activities:

The free printable craft activity included in this post can be used to make this adorable flower crown. Depending on age and ability level of your child, you can cut out the crown together, alone or independently.

  1. Print then cut out the crown.
  2. Measure head size.
  3. Cut out flowers, diamonds and hearts (depending on preference) and attach to crown.
  4. Decorate further with crepe paper, glitter or anything you desire!

NOTE: To make the crown stronger, print out onto light weight card like we did.

Literacy Activities:

After reading the story you can use the free printables for painting, drawing, collage or any craft activity you desire.


Some ideas include –

  • Paint your favourite part of the story (helps develop comprehension skills).
  • Paint, draw or craft a unicorn together and use the labels to create your own labelled diagram (good one for the classroom – looks cute when enlarged to A3).
  • Use the blank template to paint or draw your own unicorn – talk about what it’s magical powers could be, what colour hair, eyes etc it would have, think up some cute fun names.
  • Use wool for the mane, tail and sprinkle a little glitter on the artwork or paintings to add a textural collage element (always nice to do).
  • On the blank lines, have the adult scribe what the drawing/painting is about e.g. if it was my favourite part of the story begin the sentence with “my favourite part of the story was….’ or “My magical unicorn can …..” etc.
  • Do a cute unicorn handprint craft activity (check out our pinterest kids craft or unicorn board for some ideas and inspo).

Unicorn Template:

As an option you may like to use the unicorn template pictured below – this template can be used to make a movable unicorn using split pins, or simply colour, paint or collage as desired.

Unicorn craft activity - more ideas and free unicorn printables on the blog

ABOVE: free printable at end of the post


Unicorn craft activity - more ideas and free unicorn printables on the blog

ABOVE: being creative you can use coloured card to create a unicorn like this using the template, or create your own.

Tips for cutting with little ones:

  • Sing open shut them to get the scissor action going.
  • Always cut AWAY from your body.
  • Draw a little smiley face on your child’s thumb (or stick a little sticker on it) so they remember to keep thumbs up when cutting.
  • Remind and help your child to turn the PAPER so they don’t end up arching their cutting hand awkwardly into their body when cutting around shapes.

Unicorn Flower Crown Craft

Have fun creating! If you are after this book you can purchase it HERE (affiliate link).

Love Ness X

Download your Uni the Unicorn FREE Printables HERE

cute unicorn craft and activities for kids and toddlers | more on the blog

Download your FREE unicorn craft template HERE