Unicorn toys – They make the heart go PING!
I always have and always will admire those with creative talents. As the saying goes, the world without art is just blehh. And these beautiful funky little creations by one of my fave insta stores – HANDMADE HEART SHOP definitely stops any child’s space from looking any kind of blehh.

Created by Kayleigh, her playful quirky style evokes all that is fun and magical in childhood. Indi is the lucky owner of one Kayleigh’s handmade delights and I was honoured when Kayleigh agreed to share a little of her personal journey in the creation of her ever so popular kids decor store – Handmade Heart Shop. Kayleigh’s story of how her journey begun is written below.
Unicorns, Mermaids and More… written by guest blogger Kayleigh Mc Daid
‘Handmade Heart shop is run solely by myself, Kayleigh McDaid. I am almost 30, engaged to Mike and a mother to one, 2 year old Lilly Beau. I never really knew what I wanted to “be” when I grew up, and although we did a tiny bit of sewing in school and I had gained an A Level in Textiles, I never really used my skills any further. To be honest most of my skills now are pretty self-taught as we skipped a LOT of those college classes.. (I’m surprised I even passed).
I could never really get the hang of a sewing machine back then and probably used it twice in my whole time on that course, avoiding it like the plague. I also always said I never “wanted” kids. This still haunts me as I really don’t know where I’d be now if I hadn’t fallen pregnant with Lilly Beau, when I did.

I didn’t fully understand everything that went with parenting back then and was pretty naive about it all. And it wasn’t that I didn’t want Lilly either, because as soon as I realised I was pregnant, I knew that motherhood was the right path for me. I was ok with it by that point. Heck I was even pretty excited, and it scared me, because she changed me so much.
I realise now I could never have known the love I would have for another person, even before she was born. During my pregnancy, I suffered the worst severe sickness (hyperemesis gravidarum or “HG”) and was signed off sick from my job as a waitress for months. I found it difficult to function, throwing up pretty much all day everyday with no apparent cure, despite all the advice and medications throughout those grueling 42 weeks. I still say Never again! And, I really mean it. It was AWFUL!!!

Spending most of my time in bed, with a sick bowl attached to me wasn’t my idea of fun and I started looking for things to do with my time on those occasions where the sickness was almost tolerable. I started by googling how to make cushion covers and was hand-sewing anything in sight.I made baby dresses for my newborn and did everything by hand until I was advised to try and sell my products.
I opened an etsy shop, bought a sewing machine and somehow found myself here. I’m grateful for the path it took for me to get here.
My daughter really inspired me to create from the beginning, and I owe it all to Lilly Beau and the support from my partner.’
Kayleigh McDaid

You can check out Kayleigh’s entire range by clicking HERE or HERE, you could even try HERE #sonotfunny #theunicornsmademedoit
As always, hope your days are filled with bucket loads of happy!
love ness and the monkeys XX