Go from you, to BOO with these simple Halloween ideas!

Today on the blog the lovely Amy McBride from Sydney interior design company Max and Duke shares a few images of her home to illustrate how she easily converted her son Max’s playroom  to a very cool Halloween play space for kids!

Using just a few pops of colour traditionally associated with Halloween – (purple, orange, black) and placing assorted store bought and decor pieces (that boo sign – so cool, SO HALLOWEEN!) Amy was able to instantly transform this space into a child friendly Halloween hang out zone!

Check it out, I’m sure you’ll LOVE!

Halloween homes

TIP 1: Use wrapping paper!
Clever Amy has used wrapping paper as make shift wall paper (black and white stripe) which changes the look and feel of the room instantly.

Cool Halloween ideas - max and duke


TIP 2: Be creative with what you have!
By carefully selecting a kid friendly few stories that suit the halloween theme (think cats, monsters, bats,etc), using her ‘BOO’ print, changing the text on her light-box, and bringing in other little decor items like the bat clothes hanger, Amy has clearly been resourceful with what she already had.

You can do the same by having a little hunt around the home, using old sheets, or even getting the kids to make a few upside down hand prints on black card, then adding two goggly eyes to make your own ‘ghost’ art to display.

TIP 3: Use Halloween Props as decor items. 
I know, pretty obvs but if you look at how Amy has created the Halloween theme, all she has used store wise is a cauldron, a few rats, a witches hat and a broom stick! Simple, easy but so effective!

By simply purchasing just a few key items like these for your local department store, you can easily inject a little halloween fun into your home.

One of my fave things to work with is the packet of webs you can buy from most supermarkets or low cost stores. Why? well, because a little goes a long way, it makes great impact, and for only $2.00 it’s a bargain!

TIP 4: Add a few balloons!
Balloons are actually a really cheap way to add a lot of visual interest for very little cost (and kids love it!)

I always go to spotlight for my helium balloons as they only charge 50 cents each – making it a total cost of about $3.50 for 7 balloons! And, if you run out of treats come Halloween, you have a little back up.

If you check out our halloween pinterest boards, you will finds more halloween inspiration and ideas, including very cute and simple helium balloon ghosts. 

As for our place, if I get organised enough, I will try to upload a few pics of how I decorate my home every year! Better get into that front garden then!

Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you back,

Love Ness X

IMAGE  CREDIT: Amy McBride of Max and Duke