Watermelon BirthdayCake - EASIEST kids's birthday cake EVER!

FIVE MINUTE BIRTHDAY CAKE – the EASIEST kids’s birthday cake EVER!

The end of year period for us is ALL kinds of crazy. In addition to the usual after school events, christmas concerts, work do’s, class parties, school sports wind-ups etc etc, we also have what I refer to as… ‘BIRTHDAY SEASON!’

Starting at the end of November with my second daughter’s birthday, her birthday it is closely followed by a hectic rush of the following – baby girl’s birthday (dec 4th) husband’s birthday (dec 5th) MIL’s birthday (Dec 11th) sister’s birthday (dec 14th) Christmas (dec 25th) FIL’s birthday (dec 30th) New years (dec 31st) GASP! and breathe!

So when my littlest monkey, baby girl Indi (who is soo not a baby, but will forever be mine) requested a watermelon cake  – aka one MADE out of watermelon (her fave food) not a sponge cake that LOOKs like watermelon, I was more than too happy to oblige!

Aside from being super easy and stress free, it’s also a pretty heathy alternative to the more traditional birthday cake.

Watermelon birthday cake | kids party ideas

So here we go – the ‘HOW TO MAKE A WATERMELON CAKE – you may need a pen and paper handy here (joking).




  1. Cut watermelon.
  2. Decorate as desired.
  3. Enjoy!


watermelon birthday cake | kids party ideas  


watermelon birthday cake | kids party Ideas

Indi chose the adorable little lion from one of our local shops that we love. He came with the felt birthday hat but it would be so easy to replicate this little idea on any of your child’s little figurines they love.

The YAY sign was made by simply cutting out some letters (the gold glitter card was folded double sided to get both front and back of the letters). Once the letters were cut, i then hot glued them onto wooden skewers you buy from a grocery store.

I then secured a piece of ribbon with one pin at the back of the ‘cake’ (just remove before you cut and serve).

And that’s it, simple, easy, delish!

enjoy your day, love ness X

Watermelon birthday cake | kids party ideas